Misc tools

Programs by other people and other small tools for saves


PSX Raw Convertor 179 KB 43239 downloads

Psx Raw Converter is a tool that convert between raw PS1 saves (from uLaunchELF)...

PSUView Loader 2 KB 2408 downloads

This loader removes the Japanese saves only limitation from PSU View. Made by Unknown ...

PSUView 140 KB 4011 downloads

PSUView is a tool for Japanese .psu saves that allows you to view the stored icon...

PS2 Save Converter 78 KB 160894 downloads

This utility converts between Xport2 (.xps) and EMS Memory Adapter (.psu) formats....

PS2 Save Builder 131 KB 1003047 downloads

The Swiss army knife of saves returns featuring support for even more save types!...

PS2 Linux Patches 2 KB 2169 downloads

This patch allows you to view the full contents of the PS2 memory card. When applied...

nPort Index Generator 7 KB 7847 downloads

A useful utility to create nPort index files. Made by RCE ...

Win32 command line XPort utility 23 KB 2835 downloads

A command line tool to add and remove files from Xport saves. Designed for use with...

Xps / Sps Name Inspector 14 KB 2273 downloads

This handy tool renames all your Xport save filenames from their long, often incomprehensible...

XPS to Max Convertor 16 KB 10429 downloads

This tool converts between .max and .xps allowing you to move all your old .xps saves...

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